“SQUARE AT THE SOLDIER” in the city of Stavropol
The territory of the square near the Soldier is located in the heart of Stavropol, on Krepostnaya Hill – the place where the history of the city began. The square arose on the site of the barracks, it stores evidence of the time – from the site of the fortress wall to the Soviet memorial complex, which includes the main dominant – a monument to Budennovsky. Next to it is the “air promenade” —one of the most popular vacation spots for citizens. It overlooks the northern part of the city. There are many monuments on the square: a monument to Suvorov (as the founder of the fortress), “Khopersky Tent”, the Cross, guns, as well as a musical fountain.
-organization of recreation at the lower level of the area;
-replacement area coverage;
-organization of the site for urban events;
– improvement of the site in front of the monument to the Soldier;
-reorganization of parking on the avenue of the October Revolution;
-installation of decorative lighting;
-replacement of functional lighting;
-dismantling fences;
-installation of time scenes;
– Raising the parking level and headland for cars on the site in front of the registry office in the area level;
-replacement of paving the site in front of the registry office.
1. historical square
2. event area
3. air quay
4. mini-area near the pool “youth”
5. public garden
6. transit zone
7. children’s area
The modernization of the square, the increase of landscaping, the organization of recreational areas on the square, as well as the linking of the square with the surrounding iconic spaces: – Karl Marx Boulevard and the eastern part of the Fortress Mountain — will create a new image of the city, as well as increase the attractiveness of this important place in Stavropol for visitors.
A comfortable environment for pedestrians in the square, popular among both locals and tourists, should be a priority. Improving connectivity with the environment, expanding sidewalks, and transforming parking outside the Yunost basin — all these measures will make the use of the area more convenient.
The main task of developing a new strategy for landscaping the territory is to achieve climatic comfort for visitors in connection with the hot summer period. It is proposed to plant steppe plants with a small number of trees on the square. On the territory of the existing landscaping, it is necessary to carry out rehabilitation measures. Trees should appear on the “air quay”, giving a shadow to visitors, but not blocking the view.
There is no single lighting strategy in the design area. Despite the fact that the square is popular at night and is quite bright, well-chosen light will help to zone a large space. Particular attention should be paid to the “air quay” zone, as well as the lighting of monuments and the fountain. The square is less illuminated, so it is necessary to make functional lighting there to attract more visitors.